First dates can be so awkward.
What do you do? What do you talk about?
Will she like me?
Will he ask me out again?
Here are some first date tips and quotes
to help you get off to a great start
and keep you happy no matter what happens.
Never judge a person on the first date.
A person's nervousness can mask his or her true qualities.
Look for the good always!
- Rabbi Avraham Miller -___________________________________________________________
The purpose of a first date is to shmooze
and enjoy and see if there's enough interest
to continue on a second date.
Don’t' get too heavy.
It's not a job interview.
Don't share your deep, dark secrets.
If there is even a tiny quality you relate to,go out again.
Unless it was a really horrible experience, give it a chance.
Don't Stop at the first date.
If there is even the tiniest inkling
that there might be something there, go out again.
Make a rule that you won’t touch for the first 30 days.
You will find that your respect for each other
grows so great you are afraid to touch.
First impressions do not count!
People are nervous, anxious, maybe jaded on a first date.
Don’t have any expectations on a first date.
the first date is a really bad experience, go out on a second date.
The first date is just an ice breaker.
It may be on the 4th date before you really see the true person.
Don’t think: I’m going to marry this person?
You just met!
Wait until you’ve gone out long enough
to consider developing emotional intimacy.
Don’t confide too much on the first date.
Keep it at the level of a typical airplane conversation.
Light ~Not Heavy.
The first date should be short
Even if it doesn’t go so well, go out again.
Don’t expect to click on the first date.
What you will experience if it is right
is a gradual deepening of the relationship.
If the conversation doesn’t go smoothly, don’t worry.
First dates are awkward.
You don’t know each other yet.
A good first date is a cup of something hot and a piece of cake.
Short and Sweet
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